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Argan – Enterprise Meetings Platform with Messaging Chat, Audio and Video via getUserMedia

Argan – Enterprise Meetings Platform

Argan is an enterprise meetings platform, with audio, video, and screen sharing. It can have infinite meeting rooms and instant messaging (chat) within the meeting. It is based on mediasoup and it uses getUserMedia underneath.

Live Preview

The direct link to the live preview is

In order to join the meeting, you will have to specify a name and an email. Those can be random and you don’t need to verify the email. However the email will be used to pull a profile picture from Gravatar.


Argan requires a private server or cloud instance with (at least) 2GB of RAM. We provide a fully automated installation script that works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 22.10, 20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS that will save you a lot of time and a huge headache!

Honeyside Support

Welcome to the Honeyside experience! You can access the full Argan documentation online.


Argan is a small, but quite powerful script. Here is a list of its capabilities:


  • Support for infinite meetings at the same time.
  • In-meeting real-time messaging chat room.
  • Material UI v5 (MUI) user interface.
  • Random meeting key generator with dashed english words.
  • “Join the meeting” form with inputs and settings.
  • Grid meeting layout (UI Matrix).
  • Pinned meeting layout with side grid (UI Pinned).
  • Video cover / contain button.
  • Screen sharing capability.
  • Meeting drawer with show / hide controls for each peer.
  • Mobile Safari support for iOS (both iPhone and iPad).
  • Mobile Chrome support for Android.
  • Gravatar profile pictures.

Framework and Libraries

Argan is a React / Redux app, with a Node.js backend. It also relies heavily on Socket.IO and mediasoup WebRTC. Mediasoup is more stable than standard WebRTC and does not require a STUN / TURN server.

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