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Myfriend – Friend Chat Post Tiktok Follow Radio Group ecommerce Zoom Live clone social network app 2.3

  • stories. User can add video & image stories. Can delete the stories, can see the count of views & can see who viewed the story. User can add stories to highlights.
  • Highlight stories: Added ability for users to add or view highlight stories under profile like instagram.
  • Comment on stories: Added ability for users to comment on stories which will be visible in chat.
  • Trending posts: Added ability for users to view treading posts.
  • Search by tag: Added ability for users to serach posts by tag.
  • Search: Added ability for users to search users, groups, posts & market.
  • Nearby users: Added ability for users to set location to search nearby users.
  • Menu: Added ability for users to view menu.
  • Notifications: Added ability for users to receive notification of like, comment posts & reels. Announcemnt from admin or groups. group alerts.Who Followed you.
  • Push Notifications: Added ability for users to receive notification of like, comment posts & reels. Announcemnt from admin or groups. group alerts.Who Followed you. Group & private chat messages notifications.
  • Saved: Added ability for users to view saved posts & reels.
  • Blue tick: Added ability for users to get Blue tick on there profile by submitting the verification request form.
  • Edit password: Added ability for users to edit their passwords.
  • Edit email: Added ability for users to edit their email.
  • Edit phone no.: Added ability for users to edit their phone no.
  • Policy: Added ability for users to view the app Policy.
  • App invitation: Added ability for users to invite other user to app.
  • Logout: Added ability for users to logout.
  • Translation: Added ability for users to translate app from 30+ languages.
  • Referral system: Added ability for users to share Referral code and earn of every signup using that code.
  • Earning system: Added ability for users to earn money for using the app.
  • Wallet: Added ability for users to manage money earned.
  • Withdraw of money: Added ability for users to Withdraw money they have earned.
  • Dim theme: Added ability for users to switch to Dim theme.
  • E-mail notification: Added ability for users to receive email notifications.
  • Giphy: Added Giphy support.
  • Chat Themes: Added ability for users to switch between chat themes, while chatting.
  • Reply comments: Added ability for users to reply comments on posts and reels.
  • Post link preview: Added ability for users to preview links.
  • Like sound: Added ability for users to hear like sound.
  • Delete product: Added ability for users to Delete product.
  • Chat Themes: Added ability for users to switch between chat themes, while chatting.
  • Report product: Added ability for users to Report product.

Admin panel Features


  • Analysis: Added ability for admin to keep the track of number of users, groups, reels, posts, online users, products, live, podcasts, watch party & messages.
  • Dashboard: Added ability for admin to keep the track of reported users, groups, posts, reels, warned users, warned groups, announcement, ads & verification requests.
  • Reported users: Added ability for admin to send warning to reported user, remove from report & view profile.
  • Reported group: Added ability for admin to send warning to reported group, remove from report & view profile.
  • Warned users: Added ability for admin to delete warned users, warn users again & remove from warning.
  • Warned groups: Added ability for admin to delete warned groups, warn groups again & remove from warning.
  • Announcement: Added ability for admin to make announcement which will be sent to every user.
  • Manage ads: Added ability for admin to turn on/off ads.
  • Verification request: Added ability for admin to approve or reject Verification request.




  • Android Studio
  • Firebase
  • DeepAr
  • Agora.ia
  • Stipop
  • Admob
  • MapBox

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