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oClassifieds – PHP and Laravel Geo Classified ads cms

oClassified is a PHP and laravel geo-location based classified cms. Almost zero coding required to build a most advance classified website. oClassified is a complete classifieds application solution with feature-rich classified scripts.

Our classified is SEO Friendly and ready to meet the search engine with highly data crawlable. We followed the latest standard in every section. The search engine will be welcome it’s URL, breadcrumb, images and other data immediately.

oClassified is ready to monetize with its built-in Adsense implementation module. You can add any of other monetized system.

We catching visitors location to show them ads within their country, this the power of Geo-Location Ads CMS.

This is completely responsive and RTL ready. Add any language with its multilingual module.

There are four types of ads and counting, every type of ads containing special data that need with that type, such as General Ads, Jobs, Car and Vehicles, Auction.

Get this php classified scripts and get professional support with regular free updates.

Artificial Intelligence PHP Classified script will give you the ultimate experience, it will ads for exactly what you are looking for, The URL segment will be changed by based on your query and it will be dynamic, breadcrumbs and SEO param will print based on search and ad single page. oClassified PHP classified script become extremely powerful after update v.2.0

Demo Credential
Email: [email protected]
Password: 123456


  • Laravel Version: 6
  • Geo Location Support
  • Artifical Intelligence Powered URL, Bredcrumbs, SEO
  • CMS Pages
  • Social Login (Facebook + Google Plus + Twitter)
  • Native Comment Module
  • Facebook Comment Module
  • RTL Integrated
  • Premium Ads
  • Regular Ads
  • Multiple Ads type and specific ads details page (General Ads, Jobs, Car, and Vehicles, Auction)
  • Intelligent Classified script
  • SEO Friendly
  • Sharing Module
  • Intelligent Categorised Ads
  • YouTube and Vimeo video as feature video
  • mage count or video at ad preview box
  • Related ads in ad details
  • SEO and Micro data ready for better search engine rank
  • Report from frontend for guest or registered user, if they think ad is offensive
  • Unlimited categories and brand create, edit, delete
  • Location (Create, edit, delete)
  • Switching file storage between Local and Cloud without loosing previous resource (Images, files)
  • Page management (You can create any page, such as About Us, Terms and condition, etc)
  • Quick Sign In
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Multilingual Support
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Stripe Integrated
  • Google Adsense supported
  • Bootstrap 3 CSS Frameworks
  • SEO optimized
  • Translation Support (You need to add language from admin panel))
  • Social Share for Ads
  • Well commented code.
  • Fully Responsive
  • Amazon S3
  • Anti-fraud payment algorithm, made by us
  • Free update and support
  • and much more.

Before purchase, Please make sure your server meets the following requirements

  • PHP >= 7.2.0
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo Extension


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