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TopLand – Laravel real estate agency portal with saas 2.1


TopLand is a real estate management laravel script. Here users or agents can publish their real estate listing based on some pricing plans and visitors can easily contact with the real estate agent to buy or sell properties.

This is mainly a listing website to build connection between buyers and sellers; and you will get the SaaS version completely free in regular license.

Key Features

  • Laravel 8 is used as PHP Framework
  • Bootstrap 5.1.3 is used in design
  • User friendly codes and easy to navigate
  • Eye-catching design
  • Strong security of codes
  • Search by location, category, property type, number of room, price range, property id and custom text in the home page and property pages
  • Subscription verify with email
  • Language change option
  • RTL Supported
  • Social Login
  • Tawk Live Chat

Admin Features

  • SEO Settings for all pages
  • SMTP server mail
  • Payment setting for PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, Flutterwave, Mollie, Paystack, Instamojo, Mercadopago and Bank
  • Email configuration and template setting
  • Facebook or manual comment setup option for blog
  • Social Media Login
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Cookie Consent option
  • Google Recaptcha option
  • Google Analytic option
  • Tawk Live Chat option
  • Custom Pagination option
  • Multi admin creation possible
  • Multi Staff creation possible
  • All Banner images change option
  • Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
  • Order view and delete by admin
  • Manage Theme Color
  • Manage all property by admin
  • Agent list view
  • Property create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Multiple Property Image
  • Manage Property Video
  • Manage Property Nearest location
  • Property type create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Property purpose
  • City create, edit, delete option
  • City import, export option
  • Property Aminities create, edit and delete option
  • Package create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Property Review Option
  • Testimonial create, edit and delete option
  • Partner create, edit and delete option
  • Feature create, edit and delete option
  • Service create, edit and delete option
  • Counter create, edit and delete option
  • FAQ create, edit and delete option
  • Career page create, edit and delete option
  • About Page information edit option
  • Terms and Privacy Policy Page information edit option
  • Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option
  • Language change option for front end and back end with RTL
  • Home page sections manage with on/off option
  • Slider photo manage
  • Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Forget and reset password option
  • Blog Category create, edit and delete option
  • Blog create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Blog Comments
  • Maintanence mode option


  • Login, forget and reset password option
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Property create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Property Nearest location
  • Manage Multiple Property Image and Video
  • Manage Property Video

User and Agent Features

  • Social Media login option
  • User registration system with email verification
  • User Login, forget and reset password option
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Purchase Package and payment with stripe, paypal, razorpay, flutterwave, instamojo, mercadopago, paystack, mollie or bank
  • Property create, edit and delete option
  • Manage Property Nearest location
  • Manage Multiple Property Image
  • Manage Property Video
  • Manage Reviews
  • Manage Wishlists
  • See orders and details.


  • PHP >= 8.0.2
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension


Front End:
Admin Panel:
Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234

Staff Panel:
Staff Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234

User/Agent Panel:
User/Agent Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234

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